Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Silent Sea

There’s nothing quite like a night on the open sea in a small, single-seater sailboat. The solitude elicits a profound sense of peace, the gentle rolling of the waves instilling a relaxation that even the most expensive of spas would covet. It’s just you, the sea, the stars and the moon, seemingly alone in all the world, and you feel as though you’re on a wondrous adventure, as though the world is new and filled with wonder, ready to be explored. On such nights, anything seems possible, and even the most burdened of men can find respite and a childlike naiveté that they had lost with the onset of puberty. On such nights, one learns the true nature of freedom, and can transcend the physical world for that of the spirit.

It is on such a night, and in such a setting, that I find myself reflecting on my past life, grimacing at the embarrassments and mistakes that I suffered and remembering the joyful memories and loving individuals that I left behind when I set out on my journey. The pale moonlight penetrates my very soul, leaving me naked for all the world to see, but at the same time the smooth, warm tropical winds embrace me as a mother’s womb, comforting me in a blanket of serenity. An eternity passes in the blink of an eye, and soon I drift from the one dream to another, the waves rocking me as a child’s cradle.

I awake to find the horizon ablaze, the heat of the rising sun a welcome kiss to break my slumber. As the world around me begins to focus, I notice a sound I have not heard for several days: that of seabirds at play, chuckling as young kids at a game of tag. Knowing that land must be nearby, I follow these beacons of goodwill, and soon find myself gazing upon a forested island, a lonely sentinel upon the endless sea. I feel as if I have reached the end of the world, the gateway to paradise.

Soon my ship makes port upon the silver sands of this Eden as the seabirds welcome me to their kingdom. The lush tropical forest paints the land before me in verdant hues, punctuated by the vivid colors of fruit and flower. I climb from my ship, unstable on my rubber legs, and am assaulted immediately by the scent of the flora, at once sweet and inviting. The only sounds are those of the island birds, the wind whispering through the canopy of leaves, and the distant roar of a waterfall. Suddenly thirsty, I decide to head inland in search of this source of fresh water.

Several days pass, greeted by a wall of flames and ending with the most beautiful of sunsets. Lying on the beach beneath the moon and the stars is a magical feeling, and I at once feel like both the first and last of the race of man. My days are spent exploring the island, which is abundant with breathtaking vistas and stunning waterfalls, and yet not a single sign of habitation. The local wildlife is not frightened of me, and the animals are in fact quite curious and friendly, as though they have never encountered a hunter. The plant life is laden with delicious fruits, and I quickly lose all yearning for meat. This life is almost too good to be true, as sweet as a dream.

One day while gathering water, I discover a gaping mouth behind a liquid moustache. I think to light a torch and explore this cave, but the waterfall protects against my flames. However, my curiosity is an insatiable appetite, and I decide to explore this hall slowly by touch. With the water roaring in my ears, I step blindly into the abyss.

After a few minutes, my eyes adjust to the low lighting, and I realize that the cave is actually a smooth tunnel. In the distance, I can see a pale blue light; I walk towards it, entranced, the water dripping from the ceiling sounding a steady cadence for my unconscious steps to follow. Soon the walls are covered in a film of phosphorescent moss, providing a ghostly glow that lights the way towards my unknown destination. I begin to wonder if the tunnel has an end, only to find that I have stumbled upon a chamber of crystal. The walls sparkle with an azure brilliance that takes my breath away, leaving me awestruck in the wake of the room’s beauty. Several minutes pass before I realize that I am no longer alone.

The old man is rail thin and completely bald, save for a full white beard and moustache. His wardrobe consists of an unbuttoned red flowered shirt, khaki shorts tied with hemp, and a pair of simple sandals. His skin is taut and tanned as the shell of a walnut, but his most striking feature is his sparkling silver eyes. They are the most joyful orbs I have ever encountered, and they seem to assure me that all is right in the world, that sadness is an illusion and suffering a passing nightmare.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” the old man remarks. “I’ve been here for countless centuries, and I’m still amazed by it. But that’s not why you’re here, is it? I’ve seen many people pass this way in my years, and they’ve all had the same drive: to find a new frontier to explore. I am the gatekeeper, and this chamber is a gateway to another world. I cannot tell you what you may find on the other side, as none who have passed this way have ever returned. I can guarantee, however, that the world you will find will be like nothing you have seen before, and that it will fill you with wonder.” His face suddenly grows sad, as he continues. “This is a difficult trade, however, as you must leave this world behind, all those that you love and care about. If you feel that this world holds nothing more for you, then step onto the pedestal in the center of the chamber.”

Faced with such a prospect, I feel at once exhilarated and hesitant. I originally undertook my journey to get away from my life, to recapture the wonder and sense of discovery that once fueled my childhood fantasies, and the chance to explore a different world tugs at the very foundation of my soul. However, I am unsure whether I truly wish to give up my old life. I reflect once more on my friends and loved ones, and as my thoughts turn to my family, my eyes tear up and I begin to sob uncontrollably. The old man watches sympathetically, his sparkling eyes providing solace to my tortured spirit.

After what seems to be an eternity, I dry my tears and steel my determination. With a kind smile from the gatekeeper, I step on the raised platform in the center of the room and say a silent goodbye. My body is excited by an electric current, and in a flash of blinding light the only world I have ever known vanishes from existence.

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